Since our founding, the NAACP has worked to eliminate racial hatred and discrimination and to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of all persons.
Right now, with the challenges we face coming from the White House to Congress to statehouses around the country, fulfilling that mission requires more robust engagement in public policy than ever before.
That’s why we have expanded our structure to allow the organization to speak with a more powerful political voice and to allow the maximum flexibility with the use of our resources.
Under the new structure, the corporate entity known as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (“NAACP”) will continue to serve as the parent organization that coordinates the work of our more than 2,000 units across the country, and that entity will share the same federal, tax-exempt status of our units under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Our National Office 501(c)(3) corporate entity is now called “NAACP Empowerment Programs.” NAACP Empowerment Programs will engage primarily in training, education and advocacy, and will continue to work closely with NAACP units in these endeavors. All NAACP-affiliated components at both the national and local levels will work arm in arm in pursuit of the Association’s long-standing mission.
Individual donors will still be able to support the NAACP’s charitable and educational work, as always. When making your gifts–either during your life or through your family’s legacy planning—you should pay close attention to the names of our two national entities in order to ensure your desired tax preference.
Thank you for your continued support and for helping the NAACP advocate for a more just and equal America. It truly means the world to us.
In solidarity,
Derrick Johnson
President and CEO
NAACP | Empowerment Programs