SUBJECT: Updated information Virtual 86th Pennsylvania State Conference Annual Convention
General Information: The 86th Annual Pennsylvania State Conference Convention will be held Friday, October 23, and Saturday, October 24, 2020. The theme is: Together We Rise! The purpose of this memo is to provide updated information.
State Assessments: If your unit has not yet paid its state assessment, please do so immediately. You can either mail in a check to the treasurer or submit payment at The form is attached for mailing.
Unit Reports: All presidents have been asked to submit annual unit reports. If you have not yet done so, please submit these reports to me no later than October 21, 2020 if you want the information included in the president’s report. These reports are compiled by the secretary as part of her annual report. Additionally, I will submit these annual reports to a committee who will review them and then select a recipient for the Anne Hines Allen Award. The Anne Hines Allen Award is one that has been given by the Pennsylvania State Conference for several years and represents an outstanding unit/s for doing the work of NAACP for that year.
Registration: As always, the State Convention will consist of both public forums as well as two legislative plenary sessions as required by the National Bylaws. The two legislative plenary sessions are designated for delegate participation only. The rest of the sessions include all participants. It has been decided that there will be no fee for non-delegates; however, there will be a delegate fee of $15.00 for each delegate registered. Delegates and alternates of compliant units are to be elected by the branch. Since the Convention is virtual, and we are limited on obtaining revenue, the only costs to the units will be for delegates.
Ads: The State Conference is producing a general booklet. If any unit is interested in placing an ad to support the State Conference, it would be greatly appreciated. Any ads must be submitted no later than Wednesday, October 21, 2020 as well. Payment can be made at the same Eventbrite sight or mailed to the treasurer. The cost for a full-page ad (8.5 x 11) size is $50.00. The ad should be submitted camera ready directly to The State Conference would love to see the unit support in this way. The absolute deadline is today.
Please note that only compliant branches will receive credentials whereby they are to forward the names of the delegates and/or alternates they elected to participate at the legislative sessions. Payment is to be made on-line. You can go to the State Conference Website at
The Communications Committee is working hard to place all relevant information regarding the Convention on the website as well as to highlight the details of each of the forum sessions. Payment will also be available to be made by accessing the website as well.
I am personally working to make sure that although this convention is virtual, it will be informative, memorable, have met the directives of the National Bylaws, and have allowed for us to have a brief fellowship that has not been able to occur in person.
I ask for your patience and cooperation as we continue to fully roll out the details of the 86th Pennsylvania State Conference Annual Convention and to know that in working in unity, that together we will rise!
Kenneth L. Huston, President
Phone: 412-287-9507