State of the Black Union: The Agenda Renewed
NextGen Pennsylvania
August 27, 2020
Welcome to “State of the Black Union: The Agenda Renewed”!
NextGen PA and the Youth & College Division of the NAACP PA State Conference are holding this event In recognition of the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington tomorrow.
We are excited to be joined by:
* Jalila Parker, Executive Director of the Governor’s Advisory Commission on African American Affairs and the Deputy Director of the Governor’s Southeast Regional Office
* Olivia Bennett, Allegheny County Council Representative (District 13)
* Dr. Sirry Alang, Associate Professor, Lehigh University
* Miracle Jones, 1Hood Media Policy Director
* Sav Thorpe, Commonwealth Communications
* Brandi Fisher, President of Alliance for Police Accountability in Pittsburgh
Our moderators are Nasaiah Hoskins (President, NAACP PA State Conference, Youth & College Division) and Terrell Smith (Organizing Director, NextGen PA)
Please feel free to ask any questions for our panelists in the Facebook chat!
Register to vote here: http://NXTGN.US/kvL